Here Have A Turd is a political zine from my good pen pal buddy Sid Clark. I talks about the evil of big cities, the Mega-SoapOpera, the Godhood Project, the Mega-machine and several other topics.
Look Who's Toxic is a 1990 Toxic Avenger rip off directed by Louis Mathew. It starts off with a scene completely unrelated to the rest of the film where a woman has a baby in a hospital and when the baby is born everyone is horrified and disgusted but we don't see the baby. I am guessing this scene was inserted because of the pun in the title.
Blood Nasty is a very rare horror comedy directed by Richard Gabai and Robert Strauss. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about horror films but somehow this movie flew under the radar as I have never heard of it until last night!
It's about a guy named Roy who robs the grave of Mexican serial killer occultist named Blade. He gets double crossed by his partners in crime who kill him, steal the killers ring and flee by plane. The plane crashes and the ring magically falls back on the grave of Roy and the ring brings Roy back to life although he is possessed by Blade. Attack Of The Tromaggot is a German Troma fan film directed by Leslie Teah you can watch for free on youtube. It is almost impossible to describe this movie, which I believe makes it truly a modern art masterpiece!! It starts off in some kind of S&M nightmare scenario where a man finds a harmless small maggot and packages it and gives it the mail man. The maggot gets sent to a lab where all kinds of weird shit is going down and the maggot ends up mutating by being exposed to chemicals I guess. Across town a militant covert operation called "Mucus" is in the business of illegally selling slime. Also there is a homosexual chief of police and an idiotic street cop. All of these stories and characters meet and eventually they all get gruesomely killed by the tromaggot. This movie is super slimy and squishy. Tons of blood and all kinds of things that are gross. You would have to have a cast iron stomach not to feel queasy watching this. Actress Alexandra Rothert was lovely though. I believe this film was dubbed by Troma studios but I am not sure about this. The dialogue is pretty hilarious though whoever did the dubbing. There are also cameos by Lloyd Kaufman and Debbie Rochon. Def check this out if you think you can handle it!!! Anda Volley is a Folk Rock singer from Boston with poetic lyrics and kinda trippy beats and guitar. This is really beautiful music that instantly brought me into a dream state where I was fantasizing about being in a small bar or coffee house watching Mrs. Volley perform live. I imagine myself after the show stealing a moment where I try and talk business or something. The older I get the more everything doesn't need to be all angry and chaotic. I can truly appreciate lovely music like this and could see myself going out of my way to attend a live concert. I listened to the whole album for review purposes then relistened to several songs again strictly for my enjoyment. Here is a free download of my favorite song "Water Is Heavy" off Anda Volley's debut album "Inside The Ghost Machine": ![]()
Track provided by Russian Winter Records.
I believe the title of this translates to "Adam And Eve: The First Love Story". I found it while researching Cannibal Holocaust sequels on Youtube. As you can imagine the story of this is a little different then the biblical version. I'm going to go ahead and do spoilers as I am assuming you are not as hardcore as me and don't actually want to watch this movie. If you would rather watch it (it's free) click here.
Cannibal Holocaust is one of the most notorious and possibly ugliest films ever made. It's so extreme the filmmakers were brought to trial in Italy. And all this is great, we want to see films that push the limits of good taste and explore extreme territory, right? However, I am finding the older I get the less I want to be offended. I recently watched Cannibal Holocaust 2 on Youtube (click here) and found that while it was much more lighthearted than the original I actually enjoyed it more. Here are five reasons I feel Cannibal Holocaust is a better film than Part 1:
2. There are no violent rape scenes in Part 2. In the original film a documentary film crew violently rape a native woman while laughing it up and recording the whole incident. Rape is a very terrible thing and I'm sure Part 1 director Ruggero Deodato was only trying to illustrate how truly awful it really is. Still, seeing this act portrayed on film could trigger a rape survivor, forcing them to relive to the whole trauma all over again. Part 2 does have a scene where lead actress Elvire Audray has here virginity forcibly taken with a corn cob (?!) or bamboo shoot or something but I feel this is less reprehensible than man on woman rape. 3. Less white guilt so I don't have to feel bad. In Part 1 you're seeing South American natives eating human flesh but the real monsters are the white documentarians who rape, kill and start fires for fun and to make a better documentary. In Part 2, heroine Catherine Miles tries to help a crippled native by beating his leg with a club then tying the leg to a piece of wood. The leg heals and the native once again can be a man. There is however a scene in Part 2 where white men shoot machine guns at natives from a helicopter then make racist comments while beheading them. It is a small subplot though. 4. Part 2 is a love story. The main theme of Part 2 is the love story between a native and Catherine Miles. He is the strongest of the tribe and also the best hunter and warrior. As such he could have his pick of any woman in the tribe. He feels true love for the fiesty and cantankerous white woman he kidnaps and spends most the film proving his love and doing whatever it takes to win her affection. She hates this man because she saw him decapitate the heads of her mother and father. After much difficulty they finally fall in love. And isn't love what life is all about? 5. It has a happy ending... sort of. (Spoilers) Part one is a found footage film. All of the main actors are only seen in recovered film after they are all dead. So their friends and fellow scholars recover the film cans and find out what scumbags they were. The End. Catherine Miles is found guilty of murder and spends many years in a mental institution. She gets out though and gets married and lives in a big city and has a kid. She is okay although pretty distant. The narrator says the native dude killed himself but I am wondering how he would have known that because the tribe is completely isolated from the outside the world. I decided narrator just made that up. To be fair Part 1 was better in ways so here is a second list: 1. Part 1 had a way better soundtrack. It so strange how arguably the most disturbing movie ever made could have the one of the most beautiful soundtracks I have ever heard. Riz Ortolani's Cannibal Holocaust theme is truly a masterpiece! 2. Part 1 made a lot of money. Part 1 grossed more in Japan in it's theatrical run than E.T. Big bucks all over the world. 3. Part 1 was a social commentary. I have heard that Part 1 was a commentary about the Italian Mondo films of the 60's and 70's. All great horror is a metaphor so I give props to the original in that regard. 4. Not a cannibal tribe in Part 2. The tribe that stars in Part 2 is a head hunting tribe and not a cannibal tribe. Kind of makes the title pointless. 5. Part 2 is not even a real sequel. Yes, Part 2 is a sequel in name only. I'm guessing the producers named it Cannibal Holocaust 2 to try and cash in on the notoriety or the original. Other movies have done the same thing as well. I still liked it better though. Mormo has supported the punk rock and underground movie communities for over ten years with press, videos and merch. He suffers from psychic borderland syndrome and the only way he will feel better is if you join his mailing list at
Jerry Lentz is a man obsessed!! He eats, drinks and breathes his soon to be filmed "Nebula" sci-fi feature length film. He is super close to reaching his goal! All he need is a little more help. In exchange for you offering a tiny bit of financial assistance you can get great perks! Personally, I chose to have a ship, robot, planet, astronaut or alien named "Mormozine". How cool is that.
I have been facebook friends for a while with this dude and I know that he will get this movie made no matter what. If you can't contribute at least please spread the word of this campaign. Click here to see the awesome perks and to contribute!! Black Eyed Vermillion and 1332 Records are releasing a special blue clear vinyl of their album "Hymns For Heretics" limited to 100 copies. This album is the top selling 1332 record of all time! You can get a copy of this beloved classic by supporting the campaign on Kickstarter.
It is important to the whole punk community that this album get pressed! Click here to contribute today!!! If you can't contribute at least please spread the word about this epic undertaking! Cairoglyphs is the techno rap band from Kansas City rapper/producer Ryan Forest. His debut album "The Veil" is released by Russian Winter and is available for five dollar download here. This is rap I can get into! Very trippy electronica dance beats over awesome rhymes. I could see this bumping the dance floor at a trendy dance club, hip hop club and even at a goth bar!! I'm sitting here in my bookstore busting a move, I hope no one is watching through the window LOL!! I am proud to for the first time offer my readers a free download of "Deviance" my favorite song off the album. Check it out!! ![]()
Mormo has supported the punk rock and underground movie community for over ten years through print, video and merch. He suffers from psychic borderland syndrome and the only thing that will make him feel better is you signing up for his mailing list at
December 2022
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