They enjoy paradise together in a child like way until Eve finds the Snake and the forbidden fruit tree. She complains she's bored and wants more excitement. For the first half of the movie Eve is kinda of an Ilsa type bitch, always complaining and talking shit. Adam is a pretty boy Fabio type who has these vague ideas about what their future holds. He tells Eve what to do but can't back anything up with facts or even the reasons behind what he is telling her.
So Eve eats the apple and so does Adam, Paradise gets all kinds of fucked up and this leads into the first craptastic special effects sequence where they are in a stone corridor and are running away from a huge boulder rolling towards them like in Indiana Jones. Very cheesy but if you are like me you love this kinda stuff!!
Our couple walk through the new shitty world they are stuck in where animals are not nice to each other and there is no fruit to eat. Eve finds a giant egg which leads into the second super crappy special effect, a pterodactyl attack!!!
They finally find the beach and Eve sits in a tidepool and craps out the baby underwater. Adam holds the baby up in the air with the sunset in that background, freeze frame and the credits roll.