Detox short report Bio: Detox music came from all the experiences they've had on Hamra street to date, all the booze and drugs in the alleys, the dirty cops, the militias, and the wars... everything that is far from the real meaning of detox.
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I started publishing Mormo Zine back in 2004(?) with a couple of friends. It covers punk rock, cult movies, comics, interviews and whatever else I am into at the moment. So far there's been 11(?) issues. Lately I've been sending issues all over the world for review and trade and have gotten some pretty interesting stuff in return. Here's the cover of my latest issue. I asked if people still wanted paper product but no one really got back to me on that. The zine is now a ezine so please sign up on my home page. ![]() Here's three back issues of the zine. The bottom one was the "Punk Rock Terror" issue and is my personal favorite. It also received the most hate mail!! P&A are a two piece band (drum and bass) from Fullerton, Ca. Here they are performing the song Redlands at The Doll Hut in Anaheim. Even without a guitar I think they have a full sound. I believe they use some sort of samples in their music. The vocals kind of remind me of Neal Young.
Night of the Punks is a short horror comedy that played at many film festivals. It's about a punk band called "The Brain Deads" playing their first out of town show. The gig is shady though and pretty soon demonic shit starts happening and people die gruesome deaths. The movie looks professional, has great make up and gore, good acting, good music and a pair of flashed titties which always elevates any movie as far as I am concerned. It's 19 minutes long but could have been longer as it never gets boring. Luckily director Dan Riesser is in post production on a feature film called Stomping Ground which you can find more about at:
Living Dead Army is a horror punk band from Hungary. They are signed to Dr. Cyclops Records label. This is their very first video. I really dig this song. It's fast, aggressive, scary and short. There's just something cool about hearing lyrics shouted in someones second language. The video looks good but the flickering is a little too strong I think. Makes it pretty epilepto. I see they have more videos online and I can't wait to see more! Become a fan at:
December 2022
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