I saw on Facebook that the local hospital was offering a quit smoking course for free and for attending you got a DVD set that retails for $350 on amazon. I been wanting to quit for years but I hate to admit I decided to attend so I could flip the DVD set. That's how my junk man mind works.
Years ago, when I lived in the big city, I had no desire to be in a committed relationship. So many beautiful girls everywhere so I chose to strictly date. And I had some hot dates too let me tell you!! When I moved to a small town like 7 years ago I figured I would settle down, get married and start a family. I never got the chance though. Women either viewed me as a cigarette machine or wanted nothing to do with me. Women here just don't date! How people hook up I am not exactly sure? I am guessing they "hang out" or are "just friends" until they start fucking. This kind of syntax I consider dishonest, call a date a date! So what is a date? My definition is two single people sharing a meal and entertainment. Sex is on the table but not necessary and intimacy is never owed. No commitment and free to see other people. Why would anybody want to this?! Here is some reasons: 1: Everybody is worth a few hours. Somebody might not be a dreamboat or your ideal partner but surely it won't kill you to spend part of an evening with them. Talk to them a little and maybe there is more to them then you initially saw. Take me for example, there are multiple reasons why you don't want to be in a committed relationship with me. I'm old, fat, poor, pathetic, limp dicked, limp wristed, spooky as hell etc. etc. But a couple times a month I can scrape up enough cash for two to go out to eat and catch a movie. Could be fun? I got qualities too, I promise!! 2. Leverage If you're a girl and your date takes you to Mickie D's, you can say "Gee, my other dates usually take me to nicer places than this..." If you are a guy and you try and touch her boobs but she shoots you down you can say "Gee, my other dates usually suck dick on the third date..." By letting people know they aren't the only person you are seeing you can drop the hint they better step up their game is they want to get serious. 3. Safety (for the ladies) You may think "In this violence and rape obsessed culture, dating is too risky!" Actually, dating can be much safer! If someone gets creepy or weird, you got someone to call and take care of the situation. Even a warning that you are seeing someone else could shut down a creeper. Also you can go to social environments and meet and check out other people while someone has your back and will make sure you get home safe. 4. Networking So maybe the whole relationship thing is never going to happen and you both know it. You both got friends and connections so you could always pass each other off to someone else. 5. Fun Hey, fuck it! You got out of the house and did something! That's got to be worth something! So in conclusion, maybe I would have been better off adapting to local customs? I feel the tradition of dating is worth fighting for though, so here is my manifesto! Have fun, but not TOO MUCH FUN!!!
In this video I speak about the positives and negatives of facebook and twitter. Both of them have good points and bad points.
On Facebook I liked all these bitchy little punk rock fan pages. Every time they whine and complain I am totally tempted to push the unlike button, which I have done already for many of these pages. People have unliked my fan page as well but whatever!
A common complaint I read often is that people the page owners don't consider "true punk" are wearing punk rock t-shirts. They cry "They probably don't even know what genre their shirt is" or "They probably never even listened to the band". First off, bands like Ramones and Misfits are mainstream as fuck. Their songs are used in nationwide corporate advertising campaigns and probably most Americans have heard at least one of their songs. The bands were super successful and lots of people from all walks of life enjoy their music. This is a good thing! Second, when high profile people wear punk t-shirts it elevates the whole genre. Millions of faggot kids all over the world are more likely to go to their first punk show when someone from a mega band like One Direction wear a punk t-shirt. More heads at concerts means more money for smaller bands who can then can go tour and live out their rock 'n roll dreams. Bigger is better! The idea that punk means unsuccessful and obscure is fucking stupid and needs to stop! Punk should be all inclusive and open to everybody. The bigger it gets the better for everybody involved. If you have a t-shirt I'd mail some to any celeb who will wear it! Did your hours get cut because of big bad Obamacare? Your corporate employer didn't want to pay for your affordable health care so they demoted you to part time? How does that make you feel? Basically the company you work for is so greedy they don't care if you live or die. Think about this, you could have cancer right now. A medical check up could detect the cancer and treatment could stop it and allow you to live ten years longer. As it is, your employer pays you so little you can't afford to go the doctor and they are too cheap to give you affordable health care. Going to the doctor is expensive without health care! It cost me twice as much as a years worth of medication to get a doctor to fax my refill to the pharmacy. If you make minimum wage or close to it you can't afford to save your own life! You're corporate employer is putting your life in danger just so they can keep more of the profits YOU are earning them! You might die because they want to have more money then they could even ever spend!
It's time make them pay! I'm not talking about theft or violence, I'm talking about sabotage. Break shit equal to what it would cost them to pay for your health care. You know where the cameras are so it should it be easy to not get caught. Be sneaky about it. If you can, break shit they won't find out about until weeks later. Don't feel bad about it, they deserve it! It's your life they are fucking with. What's the worst thing that could happen? You get fired? You aren't making enough money to survive anyway so what difference will it make? And here's the thing, they are taking 40 hours and turning it into two 20 hours. That means more crappy McJob's will be available. Please share this article. Corporations needs to know they can't jeopardize American lives. Coming home from an awesome punk show tonight I was informed by a gay AM talk show host that Zimmerman was found innocent. I got home and raced to my computer and made the meme you see above. I posted it on Facebook and it got one like (Woo Hoo!). Moments later I thought to myself, what does this trial have to do with Mormo Zine and why am I so invested in it that I spent 20 minutes making a meme about it?
December 2022
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