Screeching Slay: For public speaking I usually talk in my loud distorted voice cause it's more entertaining & I sound a lot less speech impediment. I basically talk how i do my comedy routines. lol. I won a trophy for best comedy in 2013. but I aint no comedian but I'll take the trophy anyways.
Mormo Zine: Right on! I have a comedian friend in Portland. Used to love watching stand up but haven't been in a while.
Screeching Slay: Me i can take so much comedy, but I was just doing what I was told. Be here, be there so I would. And after my start on my own in 2012 well last october i got the trophy. Alot of bands voted for me. Hell people who voted for me lost in their music category. It was a local scene sorta deal but yeah now I've got a newer group together & I got my foot in the door with promoting/booking, & I'm gonna keep doing it.
Mormo Zine: I was sober for 6 years and couldn't see going to a comedy show sober but now I am back drinking and smoking weed and am ready for comedy shows again!!
Screeching Slay: Promoters were making $$$ I should've been making... So DIY. Yeah I see a lot of people getting all dumb wanting to fight the comedians. It's humorous.
Mormo Zine: What do you think is the key thing to be a successful promoter?
Screeching Slay: Not fucking bands over. Promoting getting the word out, paying the bands if you can afford it, and keeping the shows rolling... I got underground horror punk bands that open for calabrese, & the stellar corpses wanting on my shows, & I'm all for it. Another successful thing is starting the show on time, & all that shit. Start @ 7:30 and bands have 20 min to set up. Basically and making sure the door is ran properly and everything. There's a lot of shit that equates into being successful @ promoting.
Mormo Zine: I'm a big fan of Calabrese! When I promoted I kept $40 of the door and split the rest amongst the bands. Some bands would turn down the money but I would make them take it. Do you make flyers for your shows?
Screeching Slay: Yep I do. Central valley horror productions.