Major Mistake: It was never meant to go beyond one song
Mormo Zine: I am huge fan of The Damned so I am going to have to check out that song!
Major Mistake: Was meant to be a one off project with Rat, but it snowballed, got bigger and bigger. Turned into more singles, then an album, then shows, then a live album. Its a weird beast, it’s undead.
Mormo Zine: I see you are not on a label. Can you explain why?
Major Mistake: For one thing I don’t trust ‘em!
Mormo Zine: Cool. Do you get goth kids at your shows?
Major Mistake: A couple. Mostly older punks. The British love us, we are more well known over there.
Mormo Zine: And you play shows over seas.
Major Mistake: No, shows have been limited. The others are in other bands, TDB is a side thing for them. I may do a one off show in the future but I am semi retired from it.
Mormo Zine: K this is the big question I am trying to figure out. Live punk shows have been the most satisifying thing I have ever done. What do you think makes live punk shows so much fun and so exciting?
Major Mistake: The chance that anything can happen. And the personal connections. The instant feedback between what’s going on between the bands and the fans. The closeness, the shared experience. I always loved when the crowd made themselves part of the show, that’s the whole reason for playing live. It’s about the connection more then anything else.
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