The movie tells the story of several beautiful young college students who are moving into a new sorority house. The problem is that the house has a history of tragedy including at one time it was a bordello and all the prostitutes froze to death inside.
So as they move in with the help of two men, strange stuff starts to happen. They all have to face personal bad stuff they've experienced plus the ghosts of the hookers and others.
This movie had a lot of improvement since Couto's previous films. The main thing I noticed was a great sound design. Also the look of the film and the lighting and camera movement.
All of Couto's movies have wonderful acting and this was no different. I couldn't not mention the lovely nudity in this movie as well. Very attractive ladies (and men) who look like real women (and men). The kind of women who might let you take them to dinner if you treated them with respect. I find this very exciting!
This movie def delivers the thrills and chills and I highly recommend you check it out!!