Got this for X-mas back in 2002. Had saw it on some site online and was interested in a few of the films on it. So when my Aunt the midget was asking what I wanted for X-mas I mentioned it to her. I figured at a buck a film it had to worth the price.
Kill Baby Kill-85 minutes This is a really fun piece of mid 60s Euro-horror from Mario Bava. There is better copies out there now. But the print used on this doesn't look too bad.
Devil's Nightmare-95 minutes This is an early 70s Euro-Horror film. And it is really good. What I love is how it is obvious Brentwood used a Redemption laser disc/vhs for the master. Cause they left on the introduction by Ellien Daily. Still the print looks really good. And this is a nice way to introduce someone to Euro-horror.
God told me to-91 minutes A mid 70s Larry Cohen forgotten gem. A series of murders are happening. And when the cops catch the suspects they all say their motive was "God told me to". Really fun film.
Pieces-90 minutes What can be said about this batshit insane film. It has it all gore,rampart nudity and one of the craziest endings I have seen in a horror film. Loved it so much I ended up tracking down the great dvd version Grindhouse Releasing put out.
Good against Evil-90 minutes Pretty boring made for tv film. Not worth watching really.
Kiss me Kill me-90 minutes This is a 70s Italian film based on a comic. Also known as Baba Yaga it is worth at least one viewing. But is nothing special.
Satan's School for girls-75 minutes This 70s made for TV film is mostly remembered now for it's cast. That has two future Charlies Angels stars. Not bad for a made for TV film.
The Night Evelyn came out of the grave-103 minutes A early 70s Euro-horror. But this print is horribly edited. Worth tracking down the uncut version.
Cathy's Curse-88 minutes This is a mid 70s Canadian made Exorcist rip off. The print used was ripped from a Sinister Cinema VHS and looks like shit. Skip it.
The Ghost-97 minutes Another Euro-Horror and this one isn't too bad. Has Barbara Steele so that helps out.
Now this is out of print and I have no clue how much used copies sell for. But it does have 4 really good films. And 3 average films. So if you can find it for $10 or under grab a copy.